Medical Students

Medical Student Section (MSS) meetings & events 


The Medical Student Section (MSS) Assembly convenes biannually to consider business such as policymaking and election of governing council members and to host educational programming. MSS business meetings are held in advance of each Annual and Interim Meeting of the AMA House of Delegates. 

  • 2023 MSS Annual Meeting: June 7-9, Hyatt Regency Chicago 
  • 2023 MSS Interim Meeting: November dates TBD, National Harbor, Maryland

While any AMA member may attend an MSS business meeting, only MSS representatives are permitted to vote and otherwise participate fully. Learn more about how to become an MSS representative.

Half the dues, all the AMA benefits!

  • Exclusive education programs & key study guides to help you thrive.
  • Access to JAMA Network™, ClassPass gym discounts & more!

Supporting you today as a medical student. Protecting your future as a physician.

The Physicians of the Future Summits are held during February and provide an opportunity for members from each MSS region to come together for shared learning, policy development activities, region business and networking.

Medical Student National Advocacy Week, held during October, is a national grassroots effort created to equip medical students with the tools to advocate effectively for their patients.

The Medical Student Advocacy Conference, held during March, provides members training on how to be an advocate, education on critical health policy issues and an opportunity to put these skills and knowledge to work with Capitol Hill visits with members of Congress and their staff.